Member-only story
Can You Learn Programming In A Single Night?
A software bug in a Therac-25 radiation therapy machine caused the death of five patients after receiving a massive dose of X-rays.
Knight Capital lost half a billion dollars in half an hour when a software bug allowed computers to sell and buy millions of shares with no human oversight.
These and many other stories tell how seemingly unimportant bugs can actually cause so many tragic disasters.
Software is becoming more and more important and that doesn’t seem to stop any time soon.
At the same time, this comes with the increased responsibility for programmers who are supposed to be very careful and really good at what they do.
Not programmers who only spent 1 night learning a few lines of code from a book and have cold emailed hundreds of recruiters asking for a job.
Wait, is it really possible to learn programming in just 1 night?
As funny as it sounds, there was a similar question asked on Quora more than 5 years ago.