Learn Programming Like Einstein Learned Physics
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As I wrote in a previous post, one other article that I had the pleasure to write has been published in SimpleProgrammer.com. It is about emulating the patterns of the Nobel Prize winner physicist, Albert Einstein in software development. I invested more than eleven hours in it, taking into account the research, article outline, writing, and reformulating the points that I wanted to mention. It may seem so much time, but I enjoyed writing it, and I am grateful that so many people have found it helpful.
When you hear the name of Einstein, your first impression may be about a genius physicist, that has done remarkable breakthroughs. Although it may seem completely unrelated to computer programming, I believe we can learn from anybody. One really quick way to achieve the results that you are after is by modeling the other people’s behaviors who have already reached what you are aiming towards. Einstein did not write any line of Java or Ruby, but this does not mean that we do not have anything to emulate from him.
People who reach results that amaze us are usually doing things that the majority of other people are not doing. Success leaves clues. Hence, we need to learn from the best and try to identify the key clues of their astonishing achievements.
Here are a few points for which I wrote in the article
Learn the fundamentals of Computer Science
As cliché, as it may sound, do not avoid learning the fundamentals. They will most definitely help you the most.
Learn by solving problems, not just passively watching tutorials
The real learning is by engaging into projects, and not just passively watching tutorials.
Improve your understanding by writing tests
Try your best to write tests as much as you can. When you try to come up with tests, you dive a lot deeper into the logics of an application.
Concentrate deeply
Remove distractions. Turn off your WiFi and focus all your attention to your work.
Be curious and love learning
If you want to excel in your job, you have to love learning and enjoying your work. Become curious how things work behind the scenes and try to improve them.
This article has been grabbing quite some attention recently, and I am very grateful that many people have mentioned that it resonated with them and that they will apply some of the tips. I am happy and willing to continue to write more as a way of learning myself and helping others along the process.